Colic Baby
Every parent knows that the worst sound you can hear is them crying. Although everyone knows that all newborns cry and show some fussiness, it is also clear that when a baby who is basically healthy cries for more than 3 hours straight during the process of a day, it is more than likely colic that is causing it.
These days it is estimated that up to 25% of all babies have colic. It usually starts between the 3rd and 6th week after they are born, and goes away on its own by the time the baby is somewhere around 3 months old. If the baby is still crying to the extreme after that time, it can indicate some health problems instead.
So how can we differentiate colic baby cries from sick baby cries ? There are quite a few signs as below :
- Colicky babies generally have a healthy sucking reflex and a really good sense of appetite and are otherwise healthy and growing well. Sick babies may seem to be colicky but they won’t eat very well and they won’t have the same strong sucking reflex.
- Colicky babies really enjoy being cuddled and handled. Sick babies are usually uncomfortable when they are handled.
- Colicky babies may spit up a bit, but if your baby is actually vomiting and/or losing weight something is very wrong and this is not a symptom of colic.
- Colicky babies usually have normal stools. If your baby is hard to soothe and has diarrhea or if you see blood in the stool, call your doctor.
Click here to read more on colic remedies and relief.
Teething pain
There is no standard age when first teeth appear, typically the first two teeth will appear when the baby is six to eight months old.
Some babies go through teething without any problems, others can find it painful. Find out more the signs of teething and teething pain relief to help reduce the pain.
Baby Cold Relief
Baby can get cold just as hard as adult. But we can help relieve the discomfort and preventing it becomes worse by taking several steps. One of them is to ensure he/she gets sufficient rest and liquids, which would include breast milk or formula if less than four months old. Older babies can have a little water, and by six months they can begin drinking juices.
Relief of Baby Eczema
Children with eczema have dry sensitive skin and may often have an itchy red rash. Treatments for Eczema in babies can be a little thin on the ground, which is pretty tough to bear if your little one suffer of it. Doctors will do all they can, but many medical treatments focus solely on the symptoms of Eczema, instead of the roots. There are a few tips to follow that may help you get some real relief for baby eczema.
Skin Rashes
The most common skin rashes happen to baby is Nappy Rash. Check out the steps to prevent it here.
Nature has designed the best food and nutrition for babies, that is breast milk. No other food can match it. Breast milk changes with every feed to meet baby’s needs and contains all the nourishment and fluids she needs for the first four to six months of her life. Breast milk contains antibodies against infectious diseases and it also protects against developing allergies.
Breastfeeding is also best for mother because it helps the womb and her body to return to its pre-pregnant state. Most new moms lose weight during breastfeeding.
Despite all the benefits, some new mothers have found challenging with breastfeeding due to several issues. Our breastfeeding facts and tips can help to address them.
Although it can not fully replace breast milk benefits, today’s infant formula milk is also highly nutritious and specially formulated for baby. Bottle-feeding also helps mother who does not have enough breast milk or have too much. Check out some of the bottle-feeding benefits here.
SIDS – Safe Sleeping and How to reduce the risk
Babies and young children spend a lot of their time sleeping. Some sleeping arrangements are not safe. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – used to be called “cot death” – is sudden unexpected death of a baby for unknown cause. SIDS is the most common cause of death in babies between one month old and one year of age. It is still not clear what causes SIDS. Some of these steps may help to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Immunization is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting children against certain diseases. Although immunization can come with some risks, the risks of some diseases are far greater than the very small risks of immunization.
This article will help you make a decision on your baby’s immunization based on the available information we have at the time.